Yeah, you know who you are. It's (was) my birthday and I'll rant if I want to!
I'll start with some awesome people. My five friends who joined V and me for dinner at
Vegetate last Thursday for my birthday. Not only did four omnis happily go to a vegetarian restaurant with three vegans, all apps and entrees ordered were vegan and there was much passing and swapping of plates. I had such a blast with everyone and they all have my lifelong thanks for coming out and giving me one of the best b-days ever. This group of delightful and witty peeps are most definitely people who are awesome. Our server at the restaurant? He's one of the people who suck.
Another awesome person--our mortgage hotshot, A. She is nothing short of amazing in her dedication to helping us get into a house. Too bad we lost the "perfect" place, but she was right there through the whole thing and is a fantastic cheerleader with a super sharp financial brain. This of course amazes me, considering my hatred of all things mathematical.
To add to the list--my boss, M, with whom I only have one more day. Were it not for her, I would not have a new job with a tremendous bump in responsibility and salary. She's one of the most incredible people I've ever met and it breaks my heart that she's leaving. Alas, she is so wonderful, everyone wants her to come work with them, and she's moving on to something exciting for her. Her new colleagues are lucky bastages indeed. Though I lose her as a coworker, she will remain something much more precious, a friend.
And the final note on people who are awesome--my love, V. He is the funniest and most handsome and most patient man in the world. I know putting up with me and my shit is not an easy thing (no comments necessary on this one, kids), and he endures with love and humor. He rocks my world and fills my eyes with tears for how much I love him. And I'm not just saying that cuz he got me an i-pod for my b-day!
On to the people who suck...
Former friends. What's up with that? Once we were friends, confidants, buds, girrlz. Now that I'm here, little to no contact EVEN WHEN THEY VISIT DC. I almost posted about this back in January--because I was really really hurt--but I let it go, hoping there would be an apology e-mail. Something to tell me how horribly busy they were during the big conference of the year. But I know that conference. I've been going longer than they have, and I know there is plenty of time to do non-conference things. Especially if one of those things is seeing an old and dear friend. You know, maybe contact somebody before you get to town, let them know your dates, your schedule, figure out when you can get together? Or maybe that's just me. I'M the one who had to contact them while they were here, only to be told they were going to sessions that night but would be going out the next. All this by text. And I never heard another word. No text. No call. And I knew when the conference was over of course. I was there too. And here, two months later, no contact explaining why that happened the way it did. Today, I find out that one of these people was in town last Thursday and Friday. You know, my BIRTHDAY. And yet again, didn't bother to mention the visit. So, these are people who suck. If it's you and you see this, are you offended? Because I say you suck? Yes? I suppose that's much the way I felt when I realized how little our friendship means to you, when it always meant so much to me.
Other people who suck--friends who only want to do things that are their idea. You know the type. Doesn't matter what you come up with, if it wasn't their suggestion, they won't participate. Sure, they offer up ideas of things to do, and will give you shit for not coming out, but you'll never see them show up for anything you suggest. Even when it's your birthday.
And while I'm on it--people for whom you go out of your way to do something special for them. Oh, I dunno, let's say on their birthday. And you don't even get a many happy returns when yours rolls around. Now obviously I'm not saying "I got you a gift; where's mine?" Gods no. Not what I mean at all. If I give someone a gift it's because I want to, with no expectation of anything in return, save for a "thanks." I'm just talking about some kind of acknowledgment, you know, a call, an e-mail, a text, a hug. I don't think that's asking too much, so I'm saying those are people who suck.
So some people are awesome, and some people suck.